Comment Posting Now Working!

I stopped allowing commenting on my blog about a year ago when I found that I had over 7 thousand spam comments. I didn’t know how to stop the spam until recently I’ve added the spam utility through WordPress, called Akismet.

Now I have the task of deleting 7’000 comments, which cannot be done all at once through WordPress. Through WordPress you can only mass delete 20 posts at a time.

I’m not very familiar with WordPress, but I found how to delete all the spam comments. Basically its done by running the following SQL command through phpMyAdmin:

DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved='0'

(Which I got from this helpful link forum posting:
WordPress › Support » deleting over 10,000 spam comments without using moderation page)

Interestingly command didn’t delete the comments that I had approved, so it seems the “0” in the command means: unapproved”.

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