Listening. My New Past-Time

For some reason I’m loosing interest in blogging. Its been while that I actually thought of sharing my opinions on my blog. Actually, when I think about it, I’m getting used to not sharing my opinions, in general — unless someone really really wants to hear it. I don’t recall that I was always like this, though. I think I can attribute my disinterest in sharing my opinions mostly to my current job, (which is in a technical sales environment.) I interact a lot with experienced and more importantly very opinionated people. I often struggle to answer a question that I was asked directly, sometimes this is because there are so many people around ready to share their uninvited thoughts. Other times its because the one who asked the question is uncomfortable being seen as a non-expert in something and starts interrupting me with “I already know this” or preemptive guesses as to what I’m about to say.

The latter character type can be difficult to work with, but I’m mostly used to it and used to working in an environment where overblown egos are plentiful.

I don’t think that I was like that, though. Well, maybe I was when I first started work life. Eager to impress. I don’t think I am now, though — please feel free to correct me!

Actually, I’m at a stage where I’m very comfortable looking like I lack much knowledge. This usually works to my advantage in many ways. I often ask questions that I know the answer to, either as a segue or to get indirect information. Behaving in such a manner also helps to strengthen ties with people you hope to build a relationship with or work with. Also, the more you listen, the more likely people are willing to listen to you with greater care, if your turn finally comes around. 🙂

Listening is very powerful … in my opinion.

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